Biological Cycle of Wellicious Products

What is Circular Clothing?

We are proud to offer a fully circular product of our yoga wear range, safe for the environment and that decomposes into organic matter leaving no harmful substances behind. Closing the loop is the Cradle to Cradle promise and we are 100% Certified by the Cradle to Cradle Institute!

Picture of decomposing fabric of Wellicious Yoga & Pilates Wear!


But what is circular clothing?

Circular clothing, also known as circular fashion or the circular economy in the context of textiles and clothing, refers to a sustainable approach to designing, producing, consuming, and disposing of clothing. The goal of circular clothing is to minimize waste, reduce environmental impact, and create a more sustainable fashion industry.

Traditional linear fashion, also known as the "take-make-dispose" model, involves producing clothing, using it, and then discarding it after it's no longer in style or functional. This approach contributes to significant waste, pollution, and resource depletion. (read more about the impact of the fast fashion on our climate here)

Circular clothing, on the other hand, aims to create a closed-loop system where clothing items are designed and produced with longevity and recyclability in mind. This involves several key principles:

  1. Design for Durability: Clothing is designed to be of higher quality and durability, ensuring it can withstand multiple uses and washes without significant wear and tear.

  2. Design for Recyclability: Materials and components of clothing are chosen with consideration for their potential to be easily recycled or repurposed at the end of their life cycle.

  3. Extending Product Life: Strategies like repair, refurbishment, and altering garments to suit changing trends help extend the useful life of clothing items.

  4. Take-Back and Recycling Programs: Brands and retailers may establish take-back programs where customers can return their used clothing items. These items can then be repaired, refurbished, or recycled into new textiles.(Wellicious offers a Take-back system! Check it our here)

  5. Use of Sustainable Materials: Circular fashion emphasizes the use of eco-friendly and sustainable materials, such as organic fibers and recycled textiles, to reduce the environmental impact of clothing production.

  6. Local Production: Producing clothing locally can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation and support local economies.

  7. Collaboration and Innovation: The circular fashion movement encourages collaboration among designers, manufacturers, consumers, and recycling facilities to develop innovative solutions and technologies for a more sustainable fashion industry.

  8. Consumer Education: Educating consumers about the importance of choosing durable clothing, proper care, and responsible disposal practices is a key part of promoting circular clothing.

Circular clothing contributes to reducing the negative environmental impacts of the fashion industry, including excessive waste generation, water and energy consumption, and the use of toxic chemicals. It aligns with the broader concept of the circular economy, where resources are used more efficiently and waste is minimized through careful design, production, and consumption practices.

We are proud to offer a fully circular product, safe for the environment and that decomposes into organic matter leaving no harmful substances behind. Closing the loop is the Cradle to Cradle premise and we are 100% Certified by the Cradle to Cradle Institute!

Join us in our sustainable revolution!

Until next time,

Your Wellicious Team